Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Slider

Here's another way to practice a small section of music.  You can use this method for no more than one line, one phrase, or one "circle" (refer to the article "Circles" to learn why a circle is two measures).

Once you select the small section you are going to practice, you will need a piece of paper, or something the size of a piece of paper like a magazine or small binder.  This will be known as "The Slider".

Place the slider over your music so it completely covers the line you are going to learn.  Now slide it to the right just enough so that it uncovers the first count of your line.  The reason I say first "count" instead of first "note" is because sometimes two eighth notes or three triplets make up one count, and it can cause pauses in your rhythm if you learn each of them separately.  So, we learn one count at a time - in both hands.  Of course, if the piece is really difficult, learn hands separately, even while using the Slider.

Now play the first count perfectly three times.  If you get it perfect on your first three times, great!  If it takes you 9 or 10 times to get three perfect ones, then so be it.  Be patient and make sure you have it really perfect.

Once you are comfortable with the first count, move the Slider to the right just enough to uncover the second count.  Then play both the first and second count until you can play them three times perfectly.

Then repeat the process - moving the Slider to uncover one count at a time, and playing everything you have learned up to the Slider perfectly three times.

Ta Da!  You have one line, or section of your music perfect!  When you come back to practice tomorrow, review what you learned today, and then go ahead and get another line perfect.

Here's another trick you can do with the Slider.  It can help you memorize your line of music.  This time start with the entire line uncovered, and the Slider to the right side of the music.  Play the line (of course, without mistakes).  Then move the Slider to the left so it covers up the last count.  Play the line again.  Move the Slider again to cover one more count.

You will have to remember one more count each time you play through the line until the Slider finally covers the entire line, and you can play it memorized!

Happy Practicing!

The Piano University for Kids